Fitness Isn’t Everything (But . . .)

  Fitness isn’t everything, but everything is harder if you aren’t fit.  Some days, fitness isn’t training, though. It’s resting and relaxing and rejuvenating. Some days the work is internal and not external. Don’t let this make you feel ashamed or frustrated. A healthy and sustainable regimen isn’t a merry-go-round. It’s a seesaw. So, when…

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How To Develop a Full Round Butt

  The gluteus maximus, often termed the body’s powerhouse, serves as a crucial muscle responsible for both form and function. Beyond its role in shaping the buttocks, this robust muscle plays a pivotal part in various movements, from extending the hips to stabilizing the pelvis. While genetics contribute to the initial blueprint of one’s gluteal…

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Are Lengthened Partials the Key to Rapid Muscle Growth?

  Lengthened partials, also known as “long-length partials,” are a training technique quickly gaining acclaim in the fitness space.  They involve only training a muscle while it’s stretched, skipping the part of each rep where the muscle fully contracts. Advocates of lengthened partials suggest this approach can enhance muscle growth by up to 10%, a…

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