Fitness Post

The 10 Best Ways to Boost Your Fiber Intake

  While most fitness-minded guys obsess about protein, we ignore fiber—at our peril. Eating enough roughage is incredibly important. There is little to debate about that, despite what the hardcore carnivore crowd will tell you. In a recent and comprehensive Lancet study of previous research, investigators from New Zealand determined that if 1,000 people transitioned…

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Understanding the Glycemic Index To Control Carbs

  In the past, we categorized carbohydrates as either simple or complex, based on how quickly they metabolized and affected blood sugar levels. Simple carbs caused rapid spikes, while complex ones were slower to digest. However, today, we have adopted a more precise metric known as the glycemic index (GI). This scientific measure precisely quantifies…

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The 10 Best Dumbbell Exercises For Triceps Mass and Strength

  To maximize arm development, doing dumbbell exercises for triceps is a must. While heavy barbell pressing builds the foundation, triceps exercises with dumbbells allow you to emphasize each head of the triceps individually, ensuring proportional growth. In this article, you’ll learn the anatomy and mechanics of your triceps, why dumbbell exercises for the triceps…

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