How Liz Lost 38 Pounds of Fat & Got Fitter and Stronger Than Ever


During her 9-month journey with Legion coaching, Liz transformed her body, losing 38 pounds of fat and getting fitter and stronger than ever.

Her breakthrough came after years of struggling with body image and numerous failed attempts with other programs. But with the help of her Legion coach, she was finally able to build the body she’d always wanted.

Best of all, she achieved it while following a meal plan that was simple, enjoyable and sustainable and doing workouts she looked forward to.

Here are her results:

Liz’s Journey

Over the years, Liz had invested significant time and money into workout programs, supplements, and diets. Despite her efforts, her progress was limited—she only ever seemed to lose and regain the same 25 pounds.

Having explored every option she knew of, Liz was close to accepting defeat, convinced that her genetics and personal discipline were barriers she couldn’t overcome.

In a last-ditch effort, Liz reached out for coaching. 

Liz’s Cut

Liz’s path took a positive turn when she found Thinner Leaner Stronger online and booked a call with one of Legion’s Sales Coaching Consultants. “It was like having a conversation with a friend. He was very generous with his time. There was no pressure. He answered my questions. He got back to me; he shared his journey.”

Despite the challenges of upcoming dental surgery, a busy work schedule, and the Covid pandemic, Liz decided to push aside every excuse and sign up for coaching.

Her approach was realistic and forward-thinking. “I figured I wouldn’t join for three months because you can do anything for three months,” she explained. “So I joined for six because I wanted it to stick.”

Concerned about finding a coach who could understand her unique circumstances, especially related to age, Liz sought someone who would be empathetic but keep her accountable. We matched her with Jamie, a coach who perfectly aligned with her needs and personality.

Together, they implemented a custom meal plan and a 5-day workout routine. “Jamie and I make a great team. She was always there to help me through things, where it would’ve been really easy to quit.”

This partnership led to remarkable results. In just 9 months, Liz dramatically reduced her weight from 141 to 103 pounds, losing more than 5 inches off her waist.

What made Liz’s journey even better was that she still enjoyed her favorite foods without obsessing over every calorie. In fact, she found herself eating more yet weighing less than ever.

Liz’s Results

During her 9 months of coaching, Liz . . .

Lost a total of 28 pounds of body fat
Slimmed her waist from 30 inches to 24.5 inches
Reduced her body fat percentage by about 15%

She’s continuing on with coaching, too. Her next goal is to gain muscle by lean bulking.

And you can hear it all in her own words here:

How Liz Lost 38 Pounds and Got Fitter Than Ever In Her 50s

If Liz Can Do It, You Can Too

Liz’s journey to success wasn’t paved with “quick fixes,” “tricks,” or “hacks.”

Her coach laid out a plan grounded in the same fundamental principles that have allowed us to help thousands achieve their best bodies.

Liz’s part was simply showing up and putting in the work. “I’m not saying there’s no effort, but it’s probably been the easiest thing I’ve ever done in terms of a program.”

Success like Liz’s is within everyone’s reach, yet navigating the path to it is often challenging when going it alone. For many, including Liz, the journey to your ideal physique becomes attainable with the guidance of an experienced coach who can simplify the process and lead you every step of the way.

If you want to transform your body but don’t know how to start, piece everything together, or stay the course, our one-on-one coaching service is for you. Click here to check it out and set up a free consultation.

About Liz’s Coach, Jamie

Jamie’s fitness journey began in high school, where challenges with weight and diet took a toll on her physical health. 

Her turning point came when she began strength training, a decision that reshaped her body composition and mended her relationship with food. Today, she is dedicated to guiding others along a similar path.

Jamie is keenly aware of the fears many women have about lifting weights and building muscle, which is why she’s passionate about demystifying the process and helping others establish healthy and sustainable habits.

The post How Liz Lost 38 Pounds of Fat & Got Fitter and Stronger Than Ever appeared first on Legion Athletics.



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